Week 1 – Project Vision

About this Project

Our team focuses on the development of a simple "Tower-Defense" game for Android smartphones. In this game, a map with a path, slots next to the path, a spawn-area and a goal-area are given. Enemies (e.g. tanks) spawn in the spawn-area and try to reach the goal-area by following the given path. A player has to build towers in the given slots which can fight against the enemies by shooting at them. One can win this game by defending against all enemies. In addition to this skeletal structure, it's planned to have some values and parameters such as health points for enemies and towers, a variable amount of enemies that may pass the goal, fire rate, range and strength parameters for towers and a movement speed for enemies.


Because this project will probably require a lot of effort, one has to split this project into smaller subprojects. At first appearance, our team would divide the project into following subprojects: Design; Conceptional game-engine; Interface between Design and the game engine.
Due to missing experience with the development of Android apps, this subdivision can vary when planning the project in more detail.


The app will only be applicable on Android smartphones (version 5.0+) which is why the project-team wants to make use of Android Studio as an IDE. Additionally, the following products/services/languages will be used for the development-process:

  • GitHub for version-controlling
  • Jira for project-management
  • Java, XML, SQL as programming languages
  • Photoshop/Gimp as design-tools

4 Gedanken zu „Week 1 – Project Vision

  1. Hi,
    great idea but the amount of work that will need to be done sounds frightening. Couple of questions: Are you sure yet whether you want to create the app in a 3D-format game or 2-dimensional? Maybe Gimp isn’t sufficient for that. Blender might be suited as well (idk)? Heard that there are plenty of java 3d-packages, https://www.lwjgl.org/ just to name one of them. Don’t take my advice too serious, after all, I am not a game developer! Georg

    1. Hi Georg,
      thanks for your feedback and hints!
      Probably, we will develop the game in 2D, which hopefully lets us focus on the game engine even more. Nonetheless, we will keep the idea of updating to 3D in mind for the future – thanks for this hint!

  2. Hi,
    I like the idea of developing a Tower-Defense-Game, since I enjoy this kind of games. Through the comment of Georg and your answer of devolping the game in 2D I assume you will have the player look with a bird’s eye view onto the map. Therfore I would like to give you the tipp of keeping the designes simple and focus on the game engine. To do so you could stay with simple geometrical fiures in various colors for the Towers and enemies and upgrade to detailed graphics if you are well in time and everything is running.

    Hope this can be helpful for your Project.

    1. Hi Marius,
      you are totally right, we want to do in a bird’s-eye view. Thank you for the tip about simple graphics, of course, we will start with simple designs and animations at the beginning of development. We know design takes a lot of time and we won’t focus on that as there is not enough time! Also simple graphics can look very fancy if you do it right 🙂

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