Week 5 – Narratives


This week, we created some narratives to our use-cases, which we specificated in the last week.

Using the gherkin syntax, our narratives look like this:

UC: Start The Game From The Menu

UC: Start Waves

Edit (01.12.2019) - Feature File running

On 1st december 2019, we managed to be able to run feature files.

Because Tower Defense is an Android-app, we had to search for a possibility to integrate cucumber/gherkin into Android Studio.
In the beginning, we tried to run feature-file-tests the basic way using "Cucumber for Java", "Gherkin" and JUnit. After hours of research and testing, we were not able to get cucumber running the basic way because of several errors (for which not even stackoverflow had a useful solution).

Researching even more, our team got to know Espresso (Android-UI-testing) and GreenCoffee (Android library which combines cucumber and espresso). Using this library, we finally could automate our first feature file which starts the game from the menu. At the moment, we cannot implement feature-file-tests for other use cases because those are not fully developed yet.

In the following video, you can see our first successful ui-test.

4 Gedanken zu „Week 5 – Narratives

  1. Hellas guys,

    your Gherkin looks fine to me. You used syntax and layout correctly and all necessary functions are mentionned.
    SO there won’t be any further options than chosing the difficulty?

    I would have liked some more explanation in free text.

    Keep it up guys.


    @rawbean (Foody, B4)

    1. Hi rawbean,
      thank you for your feedback.
      You are completely right: For the first game version, we plan to implement the choice of the difficulty only.
      In future versions, there might be some functionalities to choose different (custom) maps, levels and randomly created conditions. Because nobody in our team does have experience in game-development yet, we do not want to overestimate our possibilities and focus even more on realistic aims.
      Some updates concerning our development-progress will follow within the next weeks.
      Kind regards,

  2. Hello Team-Towerdefense,

    I also liked your work of this week. You did a great job by defining your Gherkin-features. They clearly show what’s important for your uses cases and how they will be tested.
    Did you already start implementing the steps to run these tests? And will there be more options for a new game in the future?

    Apart from the required tasks for this week. How far is your development? Last week you wrote about drawing some UI stuff. Did you have some first images by now?

    Looking forward to more!

    Yours, Marlon
    from SaSEp/Clairvoyance-Team

    1. Hi Marlon,
      thanks for praising our work!
      At the moment, we are working on some common tests for our game-engine. The tests of the .feature-files are not in progress yet.
      Concerning the options when starting a game, I want to cite my reply of the previous comment:

      „In future versions, there might be some functionalities to choose different (custom) maps, levels and randomly created conditions. Because nobody in our team does have experience in game-development yet, we do not want to overestimate our possibilities and focus even more on realistic aims.“

      Sadly, we could not achieve any further progress in development so far because of our e-portfolio presentations and a lot of other work for other courses.
      Hopefully, we will be able to create some game-designs and the implementation of those up to next thursday.

      Kind regards,

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